Pallavi Poswal
Psychologist, Trainer & External Member Chief Quality Officer, Specializing in POSH
Pallavi Poswal comes with a work experience of 19+ years. She completed her Bachelors in Arts with Psychology Honours in 2003 from Panjab University and her Masters in Psychology in 2005 from the same university. She majored in Child Psychology & Counseling. In the past, she has worked with Physiotherapists and Speech therapists to help children with disabilities or borderline learning abilities to train them so that they are able to carry out their daily routine & basic activities independently. Her rich background of working with children enables her to be sensitive and understand delicate scenarios with complete ease. It enables her to have the skill of understanding psyche and the finer nuances related to human behavior. Unlike many, Pallavi’s uniqueness is that she brings first-hand experience in managing diverse roles ranging from HR, business development, client relationship management & operations, logistics, hospitality, music (artist & band management), performing arts (television, short films, theatre), modelling and post-production (translation & dubbing). This arms her with tools to easily identify even the subtle dynamics that could be at play at various work settings which could possibly be missed otherwise and assists her to successfully play her role at The Legal Swan.
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