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Video Insights Speakers

Akhil Neelam

30 for 2030 Youth Leader at UN Women, Building a Think tank on gender and politics in South Asia Hyderabad, India

Aleena Ahmed

Lawyer, Associate at Ijaz Ahmed & Associates

Bhawana Shrestha, PhD

Co-Founder at My Emotions Matter Team Lead Office of Safe and Respectable Learning (OSRL) King's College Nepal

Christine Uyoga

Gender Equality & Social Inclusion, Sexual & Reproductive Health Rights, Safeguarding/ Prevention of Sexual Exploitation & Abuse, Harassment Nairobi

Colin Druhan

Executive Director at Pride at Work

Dr. Parul

Mother caring for a child with Cerebral Palsy

Dr. Smita Ghosh

Psychologist, Human Rights & Women Empowerment Activist, Ahmedabad, Gujarat

Harshita Singh

Mother caring for a child with Lobar Holoprosencephaly

Johanna Robinson

Wales National Adviser Violence against Women, Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom

Joy Matheka

Legal Officer at Kenya Alliance for Advancement of Children | Expertise in Children rights, Human rights, and Online Child Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (OCSEA)

Naomi Hunter-Epson

Cambridge Politics + IR BA Hons Undergrad Finalist, Events Officer for Cambridge University, Gender Studies Society

Oviana Fathul Jannah

Child Rights Advocate Project Manager ECPAT Indonesia

Siddhantt Shah

Founder at Access for All India


(Individual) Using Wheelchair

Swechhya Rajbhandary

Educator, Education & Awareness Lead at Office of Safe and Respectable Learning (OSRL) King's College Nepal

Viveka (Paul) Chattopadhyay

Consultant in Autism and Cerebral Palsy Delhi, India

Zione Ntaba

Judge at Malawi Judiciary


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