
The anti-sexual harassment law of India i.e. Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013 will complete a decade of implementation on 9th December 2023. Hence, we are organizing a first of its kind Global Dialogue titled ‘Anvay’ on ‘Harassment & Discrimination’. ‘Anvay’ (अन्वय) in Sanskrit means ‘Positivity’.

The aim of this Dialogue is to shape the global narrative against Harassment & Discrimination.

Who will attend?

Leaders (such as CEOs, Board of Directors, HoDs and other Key Managerial Personnel)
Employees in the role of HR, Legal, Ethics & Compliance and Learning & Development
Internal committee members handling complaints of sexual harassment
Complaint officers handling complaints related to harassment, bullying, discrimination etc.
Managers who, in any other capacity, conduct training or assist in handling complaints
Students looking to work around harassment, discrimination and bullying

Individual Lawyers, Psychologists, HR and other practitioners acting as consultants

EM’s or counsellors who assist with resolving harassment, discrimination and bullying related concerns


Harassment, Discrimination and Bullying are pervasive issues that affect individuals across the World in various
settings be it schools, workplaces, homes, public spaces or online platforms.
one in five people in employment experienced violence and harassment at work
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employed individuals said they experienced psychological violence and harassment in their working life
0 %
faced physical violence and harassment, with more men than women experiencing this
0 %
Many may not fully understand the different forms of harassment, their impact on individuals, or the long-term consequences. Further, such topics are considered ‘taboo’ topics across several parts of the world making it further difficult to bring such issues to the forefront.
Attendees Expected
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